Photovoltaic Solar Power

Working Principle: Photovoltaic solar power plants harness the energy from sunlight to generate electricity. The process involves:

  1. Sunlight Absorption: Solar panels, made of photovoltaic cells, absorb sunlight.
  2. Electron Excitation: When sunlight hits the cells, electrons within the semiconductor material become excited, creating an electric current.
  3. Inverter Conversion: The direct current (DC) produced by the solar cells is converted into alternating current (AC) by an inverter.
  4. Grid Integration: The generated electricity is then fed into the electrical grid for distribution and use.

Hydrogen Electrolysis

Working Principle: Green hydrogen production plants use renewable energy to produce hydrogen through electrolysis. The process involves:

  1. Sunlight Absorption: Solar panels, made of photovoltaic cells, absorb sunlight.
  2. Electron Excitation: When sunlight hits the cells, electrons within the semiconductor material become excited, creating an electric current.
  3. Inverter Conversion: The direct current (DC) produced by the solar cells is converted into alternating current (AC) by an inverter.
  4. Grid Integration: The generated electricity is then fed into the electrical grid for distribution and use.

Bio-Ethanol Distillation

Working Principle: Green bio-ethanol plants produce ethanol through the fermentation of biomass. The process involves:

  1. Feedstock Preparation: Plant-based feedstocks, such as corn or sugarcane, are processed to extract sugars.
  2. Fermentation: Microorganisms, typically yeast, convert sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide through fermentation.
  3. Distillation: Ethanol is separated from the fermentation mixture using distillation, concentrating the alcohol.
  4. Denaturation (optional): Denaturants may be added to make the ethanol unfit for consumption.

Electric Charging:

Working Principle: Fast vehicle chargers provide rapid charging for electric vehicles. The process involves:

  1. Connection: The electric vehicle is plugged into the fast charger.
  2. Direct Current (DC) Supply: Fast chargers deliver DC power directly to the vehicle’s battery.
  3. Charging Speed: The charging speed is measured in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW), enabling quicker recharge times compared to standard chargers.
  4. Battery Management: Advanced systems manage the charging process to optimize battery health and efficiency.

Smart Eco-system:

Working Principle: Smart street lighting systems incorporate technology for energy-efficient and intelligent illumination. The process involves:

  1. LED Lighting: Energy-efficient LED lights are used for illumination.
  2. Motion Sensors: Motion sensors detect movement and adjust lighting levels accordingly to conserve energy.
  3. IoT Connectivity: Street lights are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) for remote monitoring and control.
  4. Energy Management: Centralized systems optimize energy consumption, allowing for dimming during off-peak hours.
  5. Remote Monitoring: Authorities can monitor and control street lights remotely, enhancing efficiency and maintenance.

© 2023 Pirin Holding AS

A Helios Power company