About Us

Welcome to Pirin, where innovation meets sustainability to shape a brighter, cleaner future.
At the forefront of environmental consciousness, we specialize in the development and operation of cutting-edge technologies that redefine the landscape of renewable energy and green infrastructure.


Pirin, the Norwegian renewable energy company, derives its name from the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria, which are steeped in cultural and natural significance. The name “Pirin” is believed to have originated from the god “Perun”, symbolizing the power and dynamism of the natural world. The Pirin Mountains are known for their favourable natural conditions and rich historical heritage. This connection to the natural environment and the symbolic significance of the name “Pirin” reflects the company’s dedication to sustainable practices and its mission to harness the energy of the natural world into innovative renewable energy solutions.

The company’s logo, subtly resembling the six dimensions of Perun’s symbol, further underlines its commitment to sustainability and innovation. Pirin’s success can be attributed to its expertise, strong partnerships, and a diverse range of activities, including production, trading, and renewable energy. The company’s presence in Bulgaria is significant, with several subsidiaries engaged in various industries, further solidifying its commitment to the region’s economic and environmental well-being.

Our Mission

Leading the transition to a sustainable future by providing clean energy solutions that power communities and businesses. Harnessing the power of renewable resources, we are committed to reducing carbon footprints, promoting energy efficiency, and driving the transition towards a cleaner, greener planet.

Pirin is driven by a shared vision of a sustainable future, where clean energy fuels economic growth and environmental protection. Our mission is to pioneer the development and deployment of innovative renewable energy solutions that enable a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous world.

Our Values

Sustainability:  We believe in sustainable practices that prioritize the health of our planet for future generations.

Innovation:  We constantly push the boundaries of technology to develop the most efficient and sustainable energy solutions.

Environmental Stewardship:  As stewards of the environment, we are dedicated to minimizing our ecological footprint and promoting responsible resource management.

Sustainability Initiatives:  Reducing our environmental impact with eco-friendly practices.

What Sets Us Apart

At the heart of our operations is a commitment to excellence, innovation, and environmental responsibility. We are proud to be pioneers in:

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Renewable Solar Power

Transforming sunlight into clean energy, our solar power plants harness the boundless potential of the sun, providing a reliable and sustainable source of electricity.

Green Hydrogen Production

Embracing the power of hydrogen, we are dedicated to producing green hydrogen – a player in the clean energy revolution, contributing to a carbon-neutral energy ecosystem.

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Bio-Ethanol Fuel

Our commitment to biofuels extends to the production of green bio-ethanol, fostering a circular economy by utilizing organic materials to create a clean and renewable energy source.

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Electric Vehicle Charging

Powering the future of transportation, our fast vehicle chargers ensure convenient and rapid charging for electric vehicles, supporting the global shift towards sustainable and clean mobility.

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Smart Street Lighting

Illuminating the path to a smarter future, our intelligent street lighting solutions enhance safety and efficiency while minimizing energy consumption, exemplifying the fusion of technology and sustainability.

© 2023 Pirin Holding AS

A Helios Power company